Thursday, July 12, 2012

Romney's $ecret $tash


  1. Andrew Sullivan on the legitimacy of using the c-word to characterize
    Mitt Romney's church.

    Where's The Line Between A Religion And A Cult? Ctd

    Where's The Line Between A Religion And A Cult?

  2. Another amusing Andrew Sullivan dig at the LDS church:

    "[S]omething that has continually struck me as I have read
    more and discovered more about Mormonism: it really is a religion
    of business for businessmen. Unlike mainstream Christianity,
    Mormonism sees no conflict between God and Mammon. . . Making pots of
    money is part of God's plan. Joseph Smith, a grifter businessman himself,
    proclaimed. . . that there was spiritual glory in capitalism itself -
    a heresy clearly at odds with almost everything Jesus himself said and taught.

    The business starts with mandatory 10 percent tithing if you want access
    to Temples. All that money - estimated at an annual $8 billion - goes
    directly to Salt Lake City to a group of powerful businessmen who are
    the people who run the Church. There is no transparency. Mormons are
    sometimes charged to go make money for the church in various enterprises
    (my favorite is a Hawaiian theme-park that pays no taxes because it is
    related to church activities and yet brings in $60 million a year). . ."

    "Capitalism As A Religion"

  3. Although business is certainly compatible with Mormonism, it is inaccurate to characterize Mormonism as a religion of business. More accurately, Mormonism could be characterized as a practical this-worldly religion relative to the more mystical other-worldly religions.

  4. Romney's Mormonism is certainly low to nowhere on my list of things to despise him for, pathological greed, lying, fecklessness all looking to me more worrisome by far. As a cheerful nonjudgmental atheist for more than a quarter century I will admit I find Mormonism pretty weird for most of the reasons I find comparable UFO cults like Scientology and Raelianism weird, but, hell, so long as they aren't trying to use government to police inequity or bigotry -- like Mormons did do when it came to California's Prop H8TE, but hey -- I'm totally all let a bazillion flowers bloom when it comes to people's private bliss paths.

  5. > Romney's Mormonism is certainly low to nowhere on my list of things
    > to despise him for, , ,

    "Despise" is assuredly too strong a word. "Consider the association to
    be a darned good reason he shouldn't be President" is certainly
    a reasonable reaction, and high up on the list of warning flags.

    It isn't comparable to the concern back in 1960 over JFK being a Catholic --
    for one thing, Kennedy explicitly repudiated the authority of the Pope
    over his decision-making while in office.

    The LDS church does **not** give its members that freedom of
    conscience. They may claim to, but if your "conscience" doesn't
    lead you to adopt the dictates of the church authorities,
    then it isn't God or the Holy Spirit guiding your conscience,
    it's the Devil. [*]

    This is a church, remember, that had (and still has) blatant
    racism embedded in its doctrines about the history of humanity
    on Earth. And which explicitly denied full privileges of membership
    to blacks until 1978 -- **1978**! -- when "Official Declaration 2" was revealed
    by God to the LDS First Presidency, coincidentally forestalling
    an ugly political backlash against the church. The same thing will
    undoubtedly happen **someday** (but probably not any time soon)
    with regard to LGBTQ (or at least GB :-/ ) folks.

    [*] Not that Romney's spiritual superiors would **dare** to
    call him to account while he was in office. They know that
    would be a PR disaster. In fact, the biggest reason Mitt Romney's
    second cousin Park Romney
    ( )
    repudiated the LDS church was that he found out that its
    ethical sanctions are **far** from being applied consistently.
    (A "valuable" member like Mitt Romney [Mitt:LDS::Tom Cruise:Scientology]
    is certain to "get away" with far more than an ordinary
    rank-and-file member [and particularly, sad to say, if the
    rank-and-file member is a **woman**. Abused by your husband?
    Then go forth, woman, and be a better wife, or suffer the deserved
    wrath of your lord and master. :-/ ]).

  6. > . . .when it came to California's Prop H8TE. . .

    Isn't it interesting, by the way, that the 9th Circuit court of
    appeals denied the request for an en banc re-hearing of the
    decision of the original three-judge panel?

    All the commentary I saw since the beginning of the year expected
    that the court **would** grant the en banc request, if for
    no other reasons than the importance of the case and the lack
    of prior legal precedent. And everybody expected that, while
    the ultimate decision was not likely to change, the en banc
    re-hearing would add at least another year to the process,
    expecially if all the parties had to file new briefs.

    But no -- the Prop 8 case will be submitted to the Supreme Court
    **this** year. And, of course, there's no guarantee that
    the Supreme Court will take it, though that too is considered
    a foregone conclusion. And if so, we'll know the ultimate
    outcome in about a year. And probably the outcome of the
    DOMA appeal as well. It's hard to imagine that the two
    cases would be decided in opposite directions, but who
    knows? (Where is that fortune-telling octopus when you
    need her. [Yes, it's a her in the book.]).
