Saturday, July 07, 2012

Has the GOP Disenfranchised Enough Democratic Voters in Pennsylvania to Steal the State?

In Pennsylvania, which is generally treated these days as a "likely Democratic" state for Obama -- and, just as crucially for a year in which control of the Senate is in serious reach for Republicans, considered "strongly Democratic" for Bob Casey over Tom Smith -- it is well worth noting that over 750,000 Pennsylvanians lack the documents required by brand new Voter ID laws implemented by Republicans there to disenfranchise Democratic voters, and that this number is higher than the margin of Obama's victory there in 2010. How many Democrats are assuming that the twenty electoral votes in Pennsylvania are securely blue, just because all the polling overwhelmingly suggests they should be, even though many who mean to vote for Obama don't yet grasp that Republicans have managed to make them ineligible to vote for the first time in their lives?

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