Monday, June 25, 2012

Madonna Is Living In A Cyberpunk Dystopia

William Gibson is credited with the famous observation that “The future has arrived -- it's just not evenly distributed yet.” Clearly, sooper-celebrities have garnered more than their fair share of that future, along with the money, attention, and ego. JimF directed my attention to this little number, in which we discover that
Madonna… fears her fans may just want to steal her DNA. So she does what any normal person would do: She has a "sterilization team" charged with wiping down her dressing room after every gig so that no stray hair, skin, or saliva remains… Madonna's team also builds the entire dressing area using fake ceilings and walls, to ensure there are no hidden cameras.
Sounds like the Material Girl isn't letting any materials stray that might get cloned into competitors any time soon.


  1. Heh, I wonder if Madonna is an SF reader herself.


    But seriously, since every human being is way more than just the sum of his/her genes she shouldn't worry about abstract possibilities like illegal human cloning that are fairly unlikely to be feasible in the foreseeable future anyhow.

  2. > [S]he shouldn't worry about abstract possibilities like
    > illegal human cloning that are fairly unlikely to be feasible
    > in the foreseeable future anyhow.

    Tell that to John Howard.

    Who, by the way, seems to think he may have found an ally
    I suspect he's barking up the wrong tree.

    I was amused to see a comment of mine on this blog, quoting
    a post on Mark Plus' blog, reproduced in an article here:
    Apparently my offhand "jumped the shark" remark made it worth
    including my frame of the Man Qua Man quote.

    The blogosphere is indeed a hall of mirrors!

  3. This is no different from people burning their hair and nail clippings to prevent others from doing "magic" on them. As Bugs Bunny would say, what maroons.
