Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Texas Soon Will Swing -- And When It Does the GOP Will Swing By the Neck

Kos writes of Texas:
Out of Laredo's 24,788 students, just 81 are Anglo. In Houston, just 8 percent of public schoolchildren are white, and that number is 5 percent in Dallas. In Fort Bend, 40 percent of kids were white in 2000. Today, it's 19 percent. Lubbok went from 42 percent to 28 percent.
Boo expands:
Once those kids turn 18, the entire political culture of Texas will change. And if Texas is no longer the anchor of the Republican Party, the national political culture will change, too.


  1. > In Houston, just 8 percent of public schoolchildren are white. . .
    > Once those kids turn 18, the entire political culture of Texas
    > will change. . .

    Unless, of course, there is a U.S. constitutional amendment
    to make sure white votes continue to count more, or a military coup
    in this country that guarantees the same thing (following the
    restoration of a refurbished democracy), or failing that,
    Texas can secede from the union (along with, perhaps, a

    It's being worked on.

    The Rachel Maddow Show - Neo-Nazi's ties to AZ Republican
    E.J. Montini, columnist for the Arizona Republic, talks with
    Rachel Maddow about the connections between neo-Nazi J.T. Ready
    and Russell Pearce, champion of Arizona's "Papers, please"
    anti-immigration law supported by Mitt Romney.

  2. Or they can do what a lot of political parties have done, make some changes to become viable again.

    There's nothing like several years of defeat to make people pragmatic.

  3. The problem of course is that a whole lot of the people on whom the GOP depends at this moment actually have no place to go when the GOP becomes more pragmatic. To be pragmatic means to concede diversifying secularizing planetizing realities that marginalize them utterly. They see this quite as well as we do -- and their panic energy discipline and support is presently trumping longer-term pragmatic considerations. If they don't die of old age or retreat into silent bitter marginality soon the worry is that they can facilitate the kinds of environmental and macroeconomic damage that can destabilize the country in ways that alter the pragmatic calculus to the detriment of democracy in any case.

  4. > > In Houston, just 8 percent of public schoolchildren are white. . .
    > >
    > > Once those kids turn 18, the entire political culture of Texas
    > > will change. . .
    > The Rachel Maddow Show - Neo-Nazi's ties to AZ Republican
    > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooJOVvM2ox8

    BTW, for me, the most interesting and provocative bit of information in the Maddow segment -- apropos of the original remark about the declining percentage of whites in Texas -- came at 09:23/15:00, with the following quotation:

    "To govern is to populate. Will the present majority peaceably hand over its political power to a group that is simply more fertile? As whites see their power and control over their lives declining, will they simply go quietly into the night or will there be an explosion?"

    -- John Tanton, FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) founder
