Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mitt Keeps It Klassy


  1. The Obama [+ Hussein] -> Osama sillygism is something
    so obvious I'm amazed I haven't seen it in public
    until now. Though no doubt George Lakoff and Drew Westin
    could cite dozens of examples in which it's already been made

    (And besides, everybody knows that "momma" has 3 m's.
    Unless it's a certain art museum -- unlikely in
    this case. But that would spoil the artistic
    parallelism of the series OBAMA OSAMA MOMA,
    wouldn't it?)

    (Shades of Dan Quayle's potatoe!
    Where's Murphy Brown when you need her?)

  2. From your blog roll:
    NYT Pub Ed: Is Obama Manchurian Candidate?
    Josh Marshall
    April 22, 2012, 9:11 PM

    Today the _New York Times_ Public Editor Arthur Brisbane
    threw in his lot with those who say President Obama
    was never truly ‘vetted’ during the 2008 campaign and
    that _Times_ itself was a major part of that failure. . .

    [I]t’s difficult to see Brisbane’s prod as anything
    but a dog whistle to the far right crowd who holds up
    for the idea that there are as yet uncovered sinister
    facts about Obama’s identity which might show him to be
    quite something else from what he appears to be. . .

    Can anybody point to significant questions about
    President Obama’s history or identity that remain to
    be probed? That is, beside the questions about birth
    certificates, ‘radical associations’, religion and
    so forth that animate the American hard right? . . .

    David Corn noted last week that the Romney campaign has
    been working to mainstream that idea that President Obama
    is somehow not a ‘real’ American. But Brisbane doesn’t
    seem to need persuading.

    And from an (off-topic, seemingly) comment thread on an (unrelated)
    article on the same site
    ( )
    Proud Aryan [whose 'avatar' is a Confederate flag]

    I wonder how much OBUMMER paid to have this fake article posted.
    These loosers are being paid by SOROS and SEIU and
    Bar'aq al Hussain Obumgo and its not surprising that these loosers
    are on drugs. We got to get that coon MUSLIM COMMUNIST SOCIALIST
    Obummer out of office and get someone smarter like Sarah Palin
    so she can fix things like she fixed alaska (yes she is smarter,
    Harvard isnt really that good of school anyway and he only
    got in because he's black, true story). I'm so sick and tired
    of this MUSLIM pResident not taking any action and ruining our
    reputation by cowtowing to these TERRORISTS in PAKISTAN.
    Maybe if we talk to our congressmen they will find a way to
    show his REAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE from KENYA (the one he submitted
    is a FAKE, true story). We need to have this tea party movement
    grow so that we can go back to the principles of our
    founding fathers. Allow slavery and segregation in certain states
    so that we can keep the minorities in line so they don't
    cause too much trouble because it worked in the past. TEA PARTY '12!

    This is just a way to take the heat off of that ass Obama.
    Joe is on top of the fake President. Obama is a liar
    and a farce. And for you Obama ass kissers, you are just
    that. A bunch of low life MFER's that couldn't fight your
    way out of a paper bag. Ted Nuegent said it right. If
    he's back in the White House, I'll be dead or in jail.
    If that should happen, you will see a bigger change in
    our government that will come back to haunt all of you.
    You want to live under Socialism? Well, you're going to
    get it with the Obummer.

    USMC SEMPER FI. . . why not concentrate your rant on the
    sheriff's wrongdoings?

    This isn't about his past. It is about what he and others
    have discovered about Obama's LFB.

    Obama isn't legal. I have used illustrator to prove that is
    certificate is a FORGERY. Will anyone do anything about this?
    Looks like no one really cares. That tells me that our government
    is in on this. . .

    The Few, the Proud, the Marines. . .

    From the Halls of Montezuma,
    To the shores of Tripoli;
    We fight our country's battles
    In the air, on land, and sea;
    First to fight for right and freedom
    And to keep our honor clean. . .

    My heart is bursting with pride; I'm so
    privileged to call myself an Amurrican.

    I'm getting all. . . verklempt.
