Monday, March 12, 2012

Prisco, STILL With the Poop Thing?

His High Holy Pontifex of the Order of Cosmic Engineers exposes my hate, my pseudo-science, and my cult. Enjoyable madness.


  1. Prisco wrote:

    > Many science fiction fans are also very literate in science
    > and have advanced degrees and a long list of peer-reviewed
    > publications to prove it, and many top scientists and
    > science policy wonks are also science fiction fans. . .
    > Of co[u]rse enjoying science fiction is not the same thing
    > as doing science or making science policy, but this does not
    > disqualify persons interested in science fiction from doing science
    > or making science policy, if they have the inclination, skills
    > and qualifications.
    > . . .
    > I find it very strange that a person who teaches at a top college
    > is unable to understand the simple words “and, also.”

    Indeed, many scientists and engineers and computer programmers
    are SF fans, though it wouldn't surprise me if a smaller proportion
    of "top" scientists would identify themselves as such (I have
    absolutely no data one way or the other).

    The one person I know well who has any serious scientific training
    at all (graduate study and some career experience as
    a physicist; the bulk of his life has been spent copyediting
    for science and math journals) is **very picky** about his SF -- he's
    utterly dismissive, for example, of both _Star Trek_ and _Star Wars_, and
    refuses to dignify "space opera" (anything with faster-than-light
    travel or interstellar civilizations) with the term "science
    fiction" -- he calls it fantasy (and he doesn't read **anything at all**
    with elves, dwarfs, magic swords, or magic rings in it).
    He likes **some** Greg Egan (_Distress_ but not _Permutation City_)
    and **some** Vernor Vinge (_Rainbows End_, but not _A Fire Upon
    the Deep_).

    I would guess that the vast majority of SF fans are **not**
    professional scientists, though again, I have no data.

    Nevertheless, **of course** these groups can overlap -- scientists
    ("top" or otherwise), SF-lovers (however they may define themselves),
    and fantasy-lovers. However:

    What **must not** overlap -- what must remain distinct for the
    sake of serious scholarship, rationality, or even sanity -- is one's
    sense of the boundaries of reality and legitimate inference as
    a professional scientist working in the lab,
    teaching, writing grant proposals, or acting as a consultant to
    business or government; as opposed to the **willing
    suspension of disbelief** deliberately entertained in order to fully enjoy
    a fictional SF milieu -- taking as a given, for the sake of
    the story, warp drives, matter transmitters, interstellar colonies,
    artificial intelligences, superpowers, or any of the usual SF
    furniture (much of which my picky friend would dismiss as "fantasy"
    and would **not** be willing or even able to suspend disbelief
    for -- the "silly" furniture would destroy the possibility of
    enjoyment for him), together with the "logic" that weaves these
    elements together into a plot.

    If you start trying to sit on that SF furniture as if
    its upholstery can really bear the weight of human posteriors -- treating the
    prospects for AI as obvious, for example, because it's been a familiar
    feature of the SF you've read since you discovered comic books at
    the age of 5 -- whether through ignorance or wishful thinking, or more
    darkly because of narcissistic arrogance or even an attempt at
    cynical manipulation -- in other words, through self deception in all its
    diverse manifestations (see Robert L. Trivers' _The Folly of Fools: The
    Logic of Deceit and Self-Deception in Human Life_ )
    then you deserve to have your falling away from The Way of Rationality
    (if I may borrow a phrase ;-/ ) pointed out to you. Even by persons
    who teach at top colleges, who may also be equipped to point
    out the legitimate and illegitimate uses of "and, also".

  2. Odd. I find it sounds fairly coherent. In fact it makes you look a little "weird".

  3. "Khannea Suntzu" wrote [to Dale]:

    > [I]t makes you look a little "weird".
    "Khannea [Suntzu] is not one person, but several associated
    artists working together. Respective ‘real world’ identities
    and conventions of these people are no longer relevant —
    they have discarded their soul to a greater cause –
    the manifestation and incarnation of something Khannea
    refers to as ‘Lilith’ as an artillect [sic]."
    (ARTIficial intelLECT) A machine that is more intelligent than
    a human being. The term was coined by Dr. Hugo de Garis at
    Utah State University.

    Hm. I suppose imagining oneself to be the "manifestation
    and incarnation" (avatar, anyone? Iain Banks' "Culture", anyone?)
    of an AI named "Lilith" (_Neon Genesis Evangelion_, anyone)
    is considered among >Hists to be more scientific (and hence, less weird)
    than claiming to be channelling an entity called Kryon.
    No blurring of reality and fantasy **here**! No, indeed.

    On the other hand, maybe the on-line >Hists are in fact
    the Indigo Children foretold in "Kryon Book VI, _Partnering With God_. . .
    [which] spoke of the spiritual evolution of the new children of
    the 'indigo' color." (
    Kryon is a consciousness that pervades all universes. Kryon
    is rather like a committee that has the ultimate understanding
    of what happens on Planet Earth, and of what goes on everywhere
    else. He [has a far-reaching spiritual penis and] is everything within
    this solar system. However, not only in this solar system,
    but also galaxies beyond.
    Indigo children, 2012, quantum physics, kryon, DNA activation, 12 strand DNA?

    . . .[P]eople are making money off these topics writing books and
    holding conferences and seminars where admission is charged. . .
    [W]hen I read the list of traits common to indigo children I felt
    that it described me pretty accurately. . ., and while I'm skeptical
    of the whole thing, it does seem like more and more of these
    personality types are being born, why is that? I also want to
    know more about the topics I listed above, whats true and whats not,
    whats proven and whats not, I want FACTS as opposed to opinions
    especially in regards to the 12 strand DNA stuff, I'd also like
    to know if advancements in quantum physics (like regarding
    extra dimensions and parallel universes) are related to a supposed
    coming awareness and 2012, and whether these scientific advancements
    are coinciding with the 2012 stuff for a reason.

    The Truth Is Out There! (Somewhere.)


  4. Transhumanism is a conspiracy! Centered in
    Connecticut. (Remember _The Stepford Wives_?
    That was in Connecticut too!)
    The almost universal consensus seems to be that Indigo or
    Star Children are extraterrestial or genetically engineered
    by aliens or just somehow spiritually superior. . .

    I have been communicating with a person who had a child
    born at Yale. This child is now a teenager.
    He has had trouble in school with
    other children and even teachers. The parents and the
    son feel the behavior of the others is very bizarre.
    This teenager is very gifted, he is way beyond his years
    in maturity, intelligence and insight. He senses things
    which have not happened yet and understands things
    his parents don't understand. . .

    I have been looking into certain issues concerning Yale.
    They have a globalization Think Tank. . . .
    Jose Delgado....the inventor of remote control mind control...
    was a professor there. . .

    I thought I would look up more about Yale. I came across
    the term Transhumanism. I didn't really know what it meant
    so I looked it up.

    I found that Yale has a professor named Nick Bostrom who
    is a professor at Yale and is the founder of the Transhumanism
    movement. . . I have felt for a long time that more goes
    on at Yale than we know about. . .

    Yale was also involved with the Human Genome Project
    which I would think would entail genetic experimentation?

    Could it be that all the talk about Star Children or
    Indigo Children is to get us to think that they have some
    sort of special Divine inheritance? Are these children
    really a product of earthly genetic manipulation?
    Could all this be related to the transhumanism movement?

    And see also:
    Michael Tsarion Return to Red Ice Creations Radio to Discuss the
    Post Human World, The Future of Mankind, Transhumanism.
    Topics Discussed: 2012, The End of the World, New Technology,
    Science, Drugs, SSRI's and the "Removing" of Suffering,
    The Technotopia, The New Man, Spiritual Aspect of Man,
    The Cyborgs, Man-Machine Symbiosis, The Technological Singularity,
    Biotech, Genomics, The Vulcans, Craig J Venter,
    The Human Genome Project, Aubrey de Grey, Longevity,
    Artificial Intelligence, The Templar's, Eternal Life
    and the Quest for the "Holy Grail", Methusala, Symbolism,
    The Archon's and much, much more.
    Michael Tsarion: Nephilim, Atlantis & Transhumanism

    **Those** Vulcans?

    (Yeah, some people have overly, uh, permeable
    mental boundaries.)


  5. Where's the BS? He conceded about 80% of your points.

  6. It just looks like that to you because ya been brainwashed Blanche, now bow down, minion!

  7. But I don' know **nothin'** 'about washin' brains, Miz Scarlett!

  8. Man, if you really want to see odd & weird, check out Khannea's website.

    Huge props for letting that freak flag fly so proudly. An entire Amazon wish list of ninja weapons?? Claiming to be 280 years old (at least poetically)?? I'm a fan for life.

    I will recommend giving up on the dream of owning that lame Tron motorcycle. A BMW GS1200 is a much better choice if you think you might have to fight zombies.

    The internet is awesome.

  9. > Man, if you really want to see odd & weird,
    > check out Khannea's website.
    > Huge props for letting that freak flag fly so proudly.

    You know, freak flags are fine. Entertainment is fine.
    Exhibitionism is fine ("for people who like that sort of
    thing, that's the sort of thing they like").

    What isn't fine, or at least what does **not** deserve
    to be received in solemn and reverential silence, but
    rather deserves to be laughed at, roundly mocked, and
    wittily snarked at (as well as drily debunked), is
    freakery that:

    1) Pretends to have a clearer view "the Future" than
    any other carnival gypsy's crystal ball

    2) Pretends to know more about the implications of "science"
    than practicing scientists

    3) Pretends that donating money (or encouraging the general
    public to donate money) to a con artist, self-promoter, or
    deluded guru who claims to be laboring to make science-fiction
    cliches real -- and thereby to "save the world", make it possible
    for people to "live forever" or "upload" into computers
    or achieve whatever pseudo-scientific Heaven they've read
    about in their favorite SF novels -- is a respectable
    and noble (and not an ignorant, silly, and wasteful) use of

    4) Pretends that science-fiction-flavored "freakery" has
    anything useful to contribute to political discourse,
    legislation, policy formulation, allocation of public
    or private funds to scientific research, or even corporate
    product planning and development.

    So yeah -- if your goal is to become the Paris Hilton or
    the Kardashians -- or for that matter the Barry Humphries
    or the Sacha Baron Cohen -- of the geek crowd, and you've got the
    chuzpah, looks and brains to pull it off in the wonderful
    world of show-biz -- then sure, fly that freak flag all the
    way to the bank!

    But don't expect the rest of us not to guffaw when you
    start signing your checks "Dame Edna".
