Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mitt Romney Still Struggling With Your HU-mon Customs

Steve Benen boggles:
"You might be shaking the president's hand," Mr. Romney told a man in Mobile, where a rainstorm forced his supporters to seek shelter on the porch of a cafe. Really, who talks like this? More importantly, who thinks like this? In polite society, people tend to say, "It's nice to meet you." Folks don't generally say, "You must think it's nice to meet me." For all the talk on the right about Barack Obama being arrogant [I believe the term Benen is searching for here is "uppity" --d], I can't recall him campaigning in 2008 and saying something like, "It must be great for a guy like you to be shaking hands with a guy like me."
It could have been worse, you know, he could have started croaking "America the Beautiful" or gone off again about right size trees.

1 comment:

  1. > Folks don't generally say, "You must think it's nice to meet me."

    Not unless they're Dame Edna, and she's funny for a reason.
