Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Santorum on Birth Control

Frothmentum, meet vetting...

You know, I like the idea of Crazytown uniting against Romney, drawing out the primary process, flinging feces the stink of which lingers on, making Romney and Rove and other bad people blow lots of their precious money, and so on as much as the next guy... but I honestly don't think there's much chance of it. Because Santorum hasn't been the not-Romney GOP savior flavor of the month like all the other painted ponies on the clown carousel he's never had his splash of vetting (hilariously enough, Santorum is already getting pilloried as fiscally liberal because of earmarks blah blah blah), and very very soon everybody is going to be hearing a lot of this...

Maybe Crazytown will decide a suicidal Santorum crusade is a better way to go out than an acquiescent whimper with Willard, but these clips will say "unelectable" loud and clear and my guess is that even the full-on white-racist Dominionist gun-nut patriarchal prick Fox-conspiracist anti-Obama derangement caucus will take a slim chance on Romney over the obvious loser Santorum. Here's hoping I'm wrong, and the Frothmentum will barrel on and on, but even with bile-belching Gingrich, drunk (or whatever the hell that is) Perry, and crazy-eyed Bachmann in his corner it's hard to believe we could be so lucky.

1 comment:

  1. > . . .these clips will say "unelectable" loud and clear. . .

    If not, Dan Savage will have lots of fun. ;->
