Sunday, January 01, 2012

Iowa Smelling the Frothmentum

Latest and possibly last of the Not-Romney GOP Savior Flavors of the Week, Rick "Man on Dog" Santorum touts his "electability" (ah, hell, why not?) and declares, "I am the tortoise." Goo Goo G' Joob.

1 comment:

  1. Your reference to seƱor frothy gives me occasion to ask a question i've wondered about for some time.

    I'm a particularly big fan of Dan Savage and the various things he does that one could call his work. Granted, there's room for criticism, but where isn't there?

    I'm often met with resistance for this liking of mine when I bring it up in the company of youngish radicals, queer or otherwise. They like to cite Savage's lack of broader systemic critiques, and his position on gay marriage.

    Regarding the former, sure, it'd be nice to see a person with his popular reach address broader issues of economy, militarism and the like. But if he did, i doubt he'd have that reach.

    Regarding the latter, I like the take I've seen you espouse here on Amor Mundi, which I'll paraphrase as, "I've no interest in the institution myself, but legislating equality matters." (forgive me if my summary is lacking). i think that take allows for Savage's position, and my own, and the two don't have to be in opposition.

    At the end of the day, regardless of the imperfections of what Savage does, I feel like what he's really doing is relating to the middle of this country's political spectrum, and moving its discourse on sexuality to the left. I'd go even as far as to say that he's championing the fact of the left's having won the culture war, and planting that flag in everyone's view as a reminder.

    While there's certainly valid criticism to be made, i feel like most of what i hear in that vein comes from more-radical-than-thou kids who haven't yet realized that their professed politics, if taken purely, will require them to arm themselves, which i don't see them so much as considering.

    i'd love to know what you think about all this, insofar as you have thoughts on the topic.

    happy new year, Dale. I'm glad you're in the world.
