Sunday, August 14, 2011

Those Kooky Cock-Crazy Conservatives!

PolitcalWire's quote of the day is a humdinger, er, hum-dingus:
"Romney better strap it on and get on the field." -- GOP consultant Henry Barbour
One actually didn't need to know anything about those cheerful subcultures for which "Teabagging" denotes the pleasures of testicular tongue-bathing to find all the endless attribution of balls and cojones and brass ones to this or that Republican and not to this or that Democrat weirdly characteristic of what passes for conservative discourse these days. Neither is it possible to pay the least bit of attention to Republican talking points without noticing their curious compulsion to describe what is wrong with almost every policy they disapprove in terms of its being "crammed down our throats." We all know about the bevy of wide-stance anti-gay GOPers who inevitably get exposed as closet-gay gropers. And I for one haven't forgotten Commander Codpiece on the deck of that carrier with the "Mission Accomplished" banner behind him. I mean, I do get it that Republicans are dicks and all, but what the hell is it with Republicans and, you know, dicks?

1 comment:

  1. LOL. Yes, Romney better "strap it on" soon so that Perry doesn't enjoy a complete cakewalk through the primaries.
