Friday, July 15, 2011

GOP Debt Ceiling Derangement Comes With a Sliver of Silver Lining

While it is truly perplexing that a generation of never validated "voodoo economics" and never materializing "trickle down" promises and always wrong predictions about tax cuts unleashing productivity and deregulation spawning spontaneous order and privatization yielding stunning efficiencies and ecstatic hymns to globalization and union busting correlated with swelling unemployment and flatlining buying power and rising stress and relentless climate change denialism and Darwin denialism and abstinence exhortation instead of sex education and a ruinous racist war on (some) drugs and then a demonstrably stolen presidential election and an immoral illegal war of choice based on demonstrable lies and a mob of self-described Constitutionalists trashing the Constitution and self-described libertarians trashing civil liberties and disenfranchising voters and self-described patriots trashing veterans and public workers and a Culture of Life howling for wars, back-alley abortions, executions, voucherized healthcare, guns in the streets, e-coli on the supermarket shelves and on and on and on somehow wasn't enough to provoke this insight, it is, I suppose, mildly heartening to discover that in the face of a possibly looming debt default of choice with all its unforced catastrophic consequences quite a few people seem to have grasped, at last, at least for the moment, just how dangerously crazy the Republican Party has come to be as an organized force in this country.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! You broke the world record for the longest sentence.
