Friday, November 05, 2010

MundiMuster! Join Team Pelosi

Sign this Petition to indicate your support of Nancy Pelosi for Minority Leader in the House.

The House of Representatives under Pelosi's Leadership passed a sweeping suite of progressive legislation that died in the Senate. Conservative Democrats and Blue Dogs are already challenging Pelosi's leadership, crafting narratives that falsely blame her for Democratic mid-term losses (as if Democrats doing even less of what the people elected them to do, accomplishing even less of the necessary address of our country's actually real and deep problems, echoing even more of the Republican know-nothing agenda would have reversed the disaster -- as certainly it did not manage to do for those few Blue Dogs who tried that strategy in defiance of their leader and the will of the people), setting the scene for catastrophic capitulation in the face of the Republiconmen.

I am not asking you to endorse Pelosi's taking of impeachment off the table for a war criminal. I am not asking you to pretend Pelosi is Bernie Sanders. I am asking you to reward rather than punish a Leader who did so much of what we wanted her to do, who accomplished so much in the service of what was right, even if the dysfunctional Senate under the leadership of Harry Reid and beholden to the likes of Ben Nelson and Joe Liebermann, in the face of literally unprecedented flabbergastingly irresponsible Republican obstructionism (which infantile Americans rewarded them for), could not match Pelosi's efforts and accomplish the agenda we gave Democrats a mandate for.

I am asking you to signal in public, here and now, here at the beginning of a long and painful slog, that you know what has happened and what is happening and who is on our side and who is not and that you really are paying attention. This next two years is going to be grisly, and it is important to indicate to Democrats we have fight in us in these early likely-definitive skirmishes so that Democrats will fight for us rather than simply rolling over ion the face of the greedhead braindead wingnut noise brigade, as seems to be the natural inclination of so many Democrats if we don't light a fire under their asses.

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