Tuesday, November 23, 2010

GOP Holds America Hostage

Given the complete triumph of Movement Republicans' anti-government ideology over the GOP over the last thirty years, this means that Republicans in power devote themselves almost entirely to deregulation, looting, and corruption, and out of power devote themselves to blanket obstructionism of every effort of Democrats to govern otherwise, ensuring that even the most basic government functions (approving appointments, signing uncontroversial treaties, dispersing funds for conventional programs) can only take place when either Republicans are in charge or when Democrats defer entirely to Republicans.

Given the endlessly reiterated hostility of Republicans to functioning government, it is curious that anybody would expect any outcome other than a failed state to eventuate from their efforts. Democrats, who by temperament tend to want to engage in collaborative problem-solving and reconciliation, seem incapable of grasping that the GOP is no longer a partner in governance but a wrecking crew that must be destroyed if America is to survive as a going government, let alone become the more equitable diverse consensual sustainable secular social democracy Democrats actually desire.

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