Monday, October 25, 2010

Face, Meet Fascist

A wingnut boot stamping a critic's face... you know, for kids!

This is the essence of the Tea Party.

This is the Republican "base," this is the "new energy" they are talking about, this is the substance that fills the "enthusiasm gap."

This is what "mainstream" "moderate" Republican John McCain endorsed when he chose Sarah Palin as his running mate and declared her fit to be within a sapped superannuated heartbeat of the Presidency.

This is private thugs detaining journalists by force in Alaska, this is the threat of "2nd Amendment Remedies" should elections not go the way Republicans want, this is the promise to shut down government if Democrats don't do everything Republicans want, whatever the costs, whatever the impacts, whatever the facts, whatever majorities say to the contrary.

This is a mob screaming that building an Islamic community center in Manhattan is an act of terror, this is racial profiling in Arizona, immigrant bashing, fearmongering about desert decapitations, fantasies of Berlin Walls at American borders, this is gay bashing, this is justifying torture, this is the joy of bullies, this is the hatred of women that thinks a rapist's fetus has more rights than the woman he impregnated, this is racist jokes about the President, this is the insatiable demand for "proof" that he really is a citizen, really the President, this is impeachment without reason as a campaign slogan, this is citizens with all the rights and freedoms they have ever had shrieking "We Want Our Country Back!" this is every single Republican in Congress or running for Congress on record denying the plain scientific consensus that human industry is creating catastrophic climate change.

This is hatred of difference, this is hatred of thought, this is hatred of freedom.

This is the worst among us, the worst in us, with worse to come.

I hope this image circulates widely, and I hope the truth it exposes so baldly about the "libertarian" "patriotic" "freedom loving" consummation of Movement Republicanism in a brownshirt bacchanalia wakes people up before it is too late.

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