Monday, September 27, 2010

Porn Again

Lizz Winstead tweets:
"Seems that Porn Again Christians are the fastest growing religious group in America."


  1. > . . .Porn Again Christians are the fastest growing religious group. . .

    Well, you know what they say about Utah (and Alaska too, apparently):

    Once upon a time, I knew a guy at work who had a real
    Eagle Scout demeanor, and after a couple of years of casual
    acquaintance I was (naively, on my part) surprised to discover
    that he was. . . well, that he had something in common with a lot
    of folks who live in Utah. OK, fine, he was still a good database
    administrator, and he was unfailingly friendly to me. Though he
    was just **so** square, you know, that you could hardly resist
    shocking him from time to time by telling him stuff like how
    much you like _Thelma and Louise_.

    This guy was almost a ringer for Steve Sandvoss in
    _Latter Days_, except, well, not **quite** that hot.
    (Good Steve):
    (Baaad Steve):

    Anyway, so shortly after we got internet access at work
    at that place (this was back in the 20th century ;-> ), there
    was no automatic blocking software such as most workplaces
    have today, but there was manual monitoring of network activity,
    and there was a particularly zealous IT security guy
    at this place (where I and my upstanding friend were both consultants)
    who just lived for the chance to catch somebody doing something
    they shouldn't be doing with his employer's computers.
    And everybody was just **floored** when this company's network
    fuzz swooped down on this poor Eagle Scout and accused
    him (privately, presumably, but such things don't stay
    private for long) of accessing internet porn on company
    time. I don't think many people who heard the gossip
    believed it -- I certainly didn't (believe the accusation,
    that is; we didn't disbelieve the fact that he'd been
    accused). Everybody figured it must have been a mistake.
    Now I'm not so sure. Such are the wages of repression.
    (And where else are you gonna sneak porn, if you can't do
    it at home?)

    Thinking back, I feel awfully sorry for the poor kid, though --
    he must have been **hideously** embarrassed by the whole affair.
    He was married, active in his church, and we were both
    working for a high-profile, and **stuffy**, consulting
    company. Well, he survived -- changed jobs, and not for
    the worse; he was good at what he did.

  2. I'm reminded of that vignette in George Orwell's fictionalized
    portrayal of his British public school experiences,
    _Such, Such Were The Joys_.

    "At some preparatory schools homosexuality is not a problem
    but I think that St. Cyprian's may have acquired a ‘bad tone’ thanks
    to the presence of the South American boys, who would perhaps
    mature a year or two earlier than an English boy. At that age
    I was not interested, so I do not actually know what went on,
    but I imagine it was group masturbation. At any rate, one
    day the storm suddenly burst over our heads. There were summonses,
    interrogations, confessions, floggings, repentances,
    solemn lectures of which one understood nothing except that
    some irredeemable sin known as ‘swinishness’ or ‘beastliness’
    had been committed. One of the ringleaders, a boy named Horne,
    was flogged, according to eye-witnesses, for a quarter of
    an hour continuously before being expelled. His yells rang
    through the house. But we were all implicated, more or less,
    or felt ourselves to be implicated. . .

    During the following term, when we were out for a walk,
    we passed Horne in the street. He looked completely normal.
    He was a strongly-built, rather good-looking boy with
    black hair. I immediately noticed that he looked better than
    when I had last seen him — his complexion, previously rather
    pale, was pinker — and that he did not seem embarrassed
    at meeting us. Apparently he was not ashamed either of
    having been expelled. . ."
