Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Mundi Muster! It's Campaign Season Now

BooMan sounds the alarum!
Okay. It's the day after Labor Day. It's the official start of the midterm campaign…. [Y]ou don't need me to tell you what kind of hell this country is going to face if the Republicans do as well as currently predicted in the midterm elections. If you haven't already, go to Organizing for America and register with them. They will link you up with all the other motivated organizers in your community. They will put you to work where you can make a difference. If you're not motivated, get motivated. The worst thing that can happen is that you make a lot of good friends. This isn't pattycake. The right-wing in this country is incredibly aggressive, well-funded, and malevolent. If you are reading this, you were alive and conscious from 2001-2009, and you saw what happened to our country. Well, the new breed of Republican is more conservative that the old. If we don't beat back a slew of whack-a-doodle Senate candidates, we can forget about confirming another judge. I am not kidding about that. That is not hyperbole… [I]t's indisputably election season now. There are no more excuses. It's admirable and necessary to lobby the Democrats and the White House for progressive policies, but lobbying season is over. It's time to pick up the banner and fight against this wave of insanity that is building up and threatening to swamp us all…. You have to stop assigning blame and take your responsibilities seriously. Get in touch with OFA and get to work. The network is in place to get our vote out. It just needs people to help execute the plan. You can do something, or you can sit around moping while Rand Paul, Sharron Angle, Ken Buck, Pat Toomey, and a bunch of other radicals get elected to the Senate and put an end to the process of legislating in our country. House members need help, too, unless you want to sit back passively while John Boehner becomes Speaker and a bunch of aggressively stupid and venal people take over the lower chamber's committee chairs.

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