Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Maybe the Rahmsputin Conspiracists Will Have More Energy for Organizing and Reform Now

I do think the rather Byzantine endlessly ramifying Rahm-hating that plays out in some quarters of the Netroots can be a bit unhinged and unhelpful, but I would be lying if I pretended to be sad to see Rahm running out the White House door to run for Mayor of Chicago.


  1. I've never been a Rahmsputin Conspiracist but one has to ask why Rahm may be running out the White House door.

    His political calculations and stragegy were wrong and failed miserably!

    This is one of many reasons why left-wing progressives who didn't succumb to Obamamania and progressive triumphalism (which can sometimes be as naive and unhelpful as Rahm-hating and Obama-Bush equivalency) could foresee the upcoming mid-term electoral disaster almost from the moment Rahm was chosen by Obama to be his Chief of Staff...

  2. Just vote and make yourself useful.
