Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Boomerang Culture Wars: Democrats Should Bring God, Guns, and Gays Back to the Campaign Trail and Motivate Our Base

The Obama Administration is far too tepid on civil rights for queer folks, celebrating diversity of belief and fighting anti-abortion extremists. The left actually won the Culture Wars and we have not yet grasped the treasure our victory has placed in our grasp. We should re-energize the Base, especially the youth vote, by running a god, guns, and gays victory lap and exposing the white-racist patriarchal-prick fundy-taliban warmongers as the mean dumb assholes and dinosaurs they are.

Their noisy minority never really was a silent majority, their cul-de-sac of busybodies, hypocrites, and closet-cases never really was a moral majority, their woman-hating gun-loving wars-and-executions wet dream death cult never really was pro life, their money-grubbing war-mongering intolerance never made them real values votes, their marginal reactionary neo-confederate rump never was the real America, but the difference is that now we know it and now we know them and now we know where we are going in this debased, distressed, duressed, deranged but beautifully browning, greening, renewing, secularizing, learning social democracy, peer to peer.

They lost the culture wars, and the hysteria of their denial is the register of much of the so-called enthusiasm gap -- we should make them pay, we should break the disciplinary ferocity of their hysterical denialism and make them face facts and stop wasting our time and making mischief in the face of the present planetary precarity of shattering social injustice and climate catastrophe. The sooner these cultural reactionaries grasp the magnitude of their loss the sooner they can pick up the pieces and join in the shared work of defeating the social reactionaries gaming them for their gain, a shared work from which they too will benefit in ways they cannot know now in their ignorance, terror, rage, and despair.

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