Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ray Kurzweil Is A “Pseudo-Scientific Dingbat,” A “Deepak Chopra for the Computer Science Cognoscenti”

PZ Myers cuts through the latest singularitarian futurological “bafflegab.” And by “latest,” I am afraid we are very much in meet the new bafflegab same as the old bafflegab territory, that is to say, we are treated to the promise of yet another child’s crayon sketch of a brain declared thereupon to grasp the whole soul-self entire whereupon said scribble is equated with the imminent arrival of a cyberspatial immortalization strategy in the usual futurological faith-based non-initiative wish-fulfillment fantasy.


  1. Don't know if you've looked at that post on Pharyngula lately, but it's quite interesting, as scores of scientifically literate people and even professional scientists have come forward to criticize Kurzweil and even cryonics (because that obviously has to come up wherever transhumanists rear their heads). The comments number over 700 now.

    Comparing all those discussions over the years on transhumanist lists to the Pharyngla thread shows what a bubble they live in. Many of them are scientifically literate, but it's obvious that a huge number of other scientifically literate people completely disagree.

  2. There's hope for the world. I always suspected as much.
