Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Today's Big Number

Just a moment ago I caught yappy dog Chris Matthews barking about the loss of the DNC to the RNC by 15-3 in their annual softball game. Matthews called this score today's "Big Number" for whatever that's worth and asked if it's "a harbinger of November." Now that's some serious punditry there, that's some serious Hardball, or something. Of course, this report is a perfect harbinger of the sort of crap we can expect from corporate media outlets in November, but nothing else.

Matthews pointed out that DNC fans cheered from the bleachers, "we passed health-care." To this RNC fans presumably responded, "we'll repeal it." Now isn't that cute? The exchange is actually perfect as is Matthews' blather about it. The DNC cheer was actually based on a fact and declares as a victory what is an actual accomplishment. The RNC cheer, to the contrary, is an absolutely empty promise that not a single person who hollered it really believes will happen and few even think anybody really even wants. That these two cheers are reported as equivalent, and then the stupid boastful assholery of the RNC reported as the more compelling chant captures Villager Idiocy perfectly.

And before you tell me I can't take a joke, believe me when I tell you that we need another brainless heartless clueless joke from a Village Joker like we need a hole in the head.

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