Friday, June 04, 2010

MundiMuster! Vote Tuesday to Stop the Corporate Takeover of California

Courage Campaign
Only you can stop the corporate takeover of California politics. Will you pledge to vote in the election on Tuesday, June 8, just a few days from now?

Big corporations think California is for sale. That's why the Chamber of Commerce is bankrolling Prop 14. It's why PG&E is spending $35 million to trick you into voting for Prop 16 so they can have a permanent monopoly. And it's why Mercury Auto
Insurance is spending $15 million to pass Prop 17 so they can charge you more for your auto insurance.

On Tuesday, June 8, please vote NO on Props 14, 16 and 17. And vote YES on Prop 15,
so we can start to clean up our elections and reduce the power of corporate money in politics.

We aren't going to succeed in stopping the corporate attack on California's
democracy unless we get out the vote. PG&E and Mercury are counting on you staying
home. Show them that their money can't buy your vote. Your friends and neighbors
will join you if you tell them what's at stake and get them to the polls.

That's why I'm asking you to take the Courage Campaign's pledge to vote in the
primary election. Whether you've already mailed in your ballot or will be voting in
person on Tuesday, your pledge will help encourage other Californians to join you in voting in the June 8 election:

Voter Pledge

In April, Courage Campaign members voted in our statewide survey to recommend YES on Props 13 and 15, and NO on Props 14, 16, 17. Now we need to turn those recommendations into votes at the ballot box.

When progressives vote, progressives and our issues win. In 2008 Barack Obama won
because a whopping 70% of Californians voted.

This year, media reports predict that just half that number -- 35% -- will vote in
Tuesday's election. Prove them wrong. Your vote on Tuesday matters more now than it
did in 2008 because so few people are likely to show up. Don't let the corporations
win because progressives didn't turn out.

Take the Courage Campaign's pledge to vote in Tuesday's primary election -- and ask
your family and friends to join you. When people pledge to vote, they will follow
through and cast a progressive ballot!

Take the pledge.

Vote. Get your friends and family to vote. Let's celebrate a progressive victory on Tuesday.

If you want more information on the five initiatives on Tuesday's ballot, if you need to know where your polling place is located, if you are looking for an opportunity to volunteer to turn out progressives at the polls, the Courage Campaign provides more election resources here.

About the Courage Campaign:

Courage Campaign California is a part of the Courage Campaign's multi-issue online
organizing network that empowers more than 700,000 grassroots and netroots
supporters to push for progressive change and full equality in California and across the country. Supported by thousands of small donations from our diverse community, Courage Campaign California holds politicians accountable to progressive values, works for fundamental reform to our state's broken government, and trains and organizes activists to change their communities.

To power our campaign for progressive reform in California, please chip in what you
can today:

Courage Supports Courage.

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