Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Budget Hawks and War Hawks and the Little People

Contracting the economy to expand it makes as little sense as troop surging our way to troop withdrawal in Afghanistan. I cannot say that I am particularly surprised to find that so many old out of touch rich white guys in Congress and their pet punditocrats who spout the one notion also favor the other notion. Somebody has to suffer for the crimes and errors of the Masters of the Universe, what else are the little people for?


  1. This contradiction has always particularly infuriated me. Supposed libertarians who support imperialism are the worst sort of hypocrites.

  2. Have a look at the Dispatches from Libertopia aphorisms archived at the sidebar -- there is plenty of hypocrisy to go around where market libertarianism is concerned.

  3. Yes, that's quality stuff. Considering the apparent growing prevalence of such thinking, I imagine your criticism will retain their relevance as times moves on.

  4. Thanks for the compliment -- although I am sure you will understand me when I say that I hope nonetheless you are as wrong in this conviction as I think you are in so many others less congenial to my vanity.
