Saturday, May 08, 2010

How's That Greenwashing of the Energy Bill to Get Republican Votes Thing Going Again?

Ongoing exposure of Safe Off-Shore Drilling Bullshit in the Gulf…
When asked whether the dome effort had "failed," the BP official said, "I wouldn’t say it has failed, yet, . . . but it hasn't worked."

Ongoing exposure of Green Nukes Bullshit in New Jersey…
Associated Press: LACEY TOWNSHIP, N.J. — Radioactive water that leaked from the nation's oldest nuclear power plant has now reached a major underground aquifer that supplies drinking water to much of southern New Jersey, the state's environmental chief said Friday… The tritium leaked from underground pipes at the plant on April 9, 2009, and has been slowly spreading underground at 1 to 3 feet a day… [T]he mere fact that the radioactive water -- at concentrations 50 times higher than those allowed by law -- has reached southern New Jersey's main source of drinking water calls for urgent action, Martin said… The contamination is not a new issue, plant spokesman David Benson said, questioning the need for Martin's order.

There's not enough oil offshore to justify the risk to indispensable ecosystems of drilling there. There's no such thing as Green Nukes. There's no such thing as Clean Coal.

Anybody who says otherwise is lying -- deceived, deceiving, or both -- and especially anybody who says otherwise while describing himself as a "Green" or "Realist" is an appalling con-man as well.

We know the problems and we know the answers:

We need to invest in one hundred million solar rooftops, one hundred thousand windmill farms, inter-continental high-speed rail linking every city and state, local farmer's markets in every inner-city neighborhood, bike paths everywhere... We need to subsidize and incentivize car-sharing programs in every US town and city, more energy efficient homes and buildings and appliances... We need to mandate more pedestrian friendly mixed use zoning, mandate organic food in every school lunch... And we need to tax second cars, corn syrup, water-hogging region-inappropriate lawns, the beef industry, and the airline industry like there's no tomorrow, because if we don't there might not be.

Enough with all the greenwashing, denialist, petrochemical-agribusiness, geo-engineering, technofixing, green nuke, clean coal, drill baby drill bullshit already!

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