Monday, May 24, 2010

GOP Declares Randroid Paul a "Novice" Rather Than a Menace

Sen. John Cornyn, the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee, said on Meet the Press yesterday that Paul is a "novice," and candidates new to the national stage "occasionally stumble on questions." Cornyn (R-TX) said that candidates who are not professional politicians might have to backtrack when articulating their philosophy.

Politico quoted Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY) as saying that Paul would have been better off resting after the primary. "He should have taken some time," Guthrie said, while local Republican chairman and a former Grayson backer Bill Betson called it "a little bit of a rocky start." "We have somebody new in the political scene and we have to get through it," Betson told Politico.

What these GOP "professional pols" are saying is that Paul hasn't learned to lie about his views yet.

Needless to say, if you are in the GOP and you want to get elected the first thing you need to do is lie well and lie often. Neither the guns-wars-executions-death-cult patriarchal-theocratic white-racist reactionary cultural views of the neo-confederate rump that is the GOP base nor its avowed agenda to protect the profits of the rich could possibly attract the majorities necessary to prevail in even our diminished democracy.

If you want to get people to vote against their best interests, or demoralize them into not voting at all (which is exactly equally injurious to their interests), the first thing you have to be is a liar.

Randroid Paul's views as a libertopian are of course completely idiotic, that he holds them reflects his insulation by privilege from the complexities of reality, but his views are certainly not more harebrained heartless or horrific than those of the know-nothing scoundrels of the GOP more generally. He differs from the GOP's elected old hands primarily in actually saying what he means and meaning what he says in public places.

Please don't mistake that for a compliment. Variations of stupidity and evil remain stupid and evil.

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