Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Give Your Money Directly to Candidates

It was almost the best possible night for fighting liberals last night, with phony-Dem for a day phony-moderate for a generation Specter going down while Establishment pols are left boo-hoo crying in their fancy feather pillows, meanwhile Republicans blew a million bucks they could have spent instead at faux-lesbian strip clubs losing the Pennsylvania special election thereby dealing yet another blow to the corporate-media's pet Republican Mid-Term Resurgence narrative, meanwhile labor-backed Halter yanks vile conseravdem Blanche Lincoln into a run-off she possibly cannot win all the while turning her little faux-populist derivatives regulation gambit into a real progressive amendment she and Dodd can't sweep under the rug, meanwhile in Kentucky the more liberal Conway beat Mongiardo in the Democratic Senate primary while Randroid Paul's victory over McConnell's groomed-pick in the Republican primary opens the window wide for another Democratic pick-up in the Senate (but I thought naked Scotty Brown's victory over dead flashlight battery and Establishment darling Martha Coakley was supposed to mean Dems are DOOOOOOMED in the Senate!), meanwhile, incredibly, some Dem villagers seem grumpy about the outcome, pouting and stamping about how Obama comes off looking bad by this result (hate to break it to you, guys, but Obama looks good every time a Democrat wins, nobody cares that he didn't pass Arlen a note in gym like you thought he shoulda woulda coulda). Apart from the obvious implications here, this also means that those of you who are providing monetary support for Democrats should bypass the DSCC, DCCC, and DNC altogether for now -- they are not making sound decisions about viability this cycle, they are trapped in a pre-Obama mindset, they are misreading the anti-establishment mood of the electorate as generally threatening to Democrats when in fact it is often quite encouraging to more progressive Democrats -- give your contributions, your phone banking time, your support directly to progressive candidates and campaigns for now.

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