Sunday, April 25, 2010

This Is What Arizona Republicans Want America to Be Like

Boycott the Racist Republican Police State of Arizona!


  1. In other words, these Rethugs want to make sure that not only Hispanic illegal immigrants feel unwelcome through intimidation-- but to make legal immigrants and US-born Hispanics feel just as unwelcome. The implicit message is "Get out, all of you brown people."

    Its Jim Crow all over again.

  2. No. It isn't. Illegal immigrants as a whole should not be welcomed with open arms I don't care if they are white, brown, or purple. In no way does it make US-born Hispanics unwelcome or even legal Hispanic immigrants unwelcome. Why should we welcome people that take land, homes, jobs, money, and commit crimes against American people? Why should I pay my hard-earned money to support these illegal immigrants that have disrespected my country's borders and laws?

  3. In no way does it make US-born Hispanics unwelcome or even legal Hispanic immigrants unwelcome.

    Also, up is down. Please make a note of it.

    Why should I pay my hard-earned money to support these illegal immigrants

    Why, brave "Anon" surely you know that your hard-earned money must be snatched away so that we liberals can watch as you cringe, cringe, white man, beneath the whips of your new brown masters!

  4. "Illegal immigrants as a whole should not be welcomed with open arms I don't care if they are white, brown, or purple."

    As a whole. But special attention should be paid to all them darkies.

  5. "In no way does it make US-born Hispanics unwelcome or even legal Hispanic immigrants unwelcome."

    Oh, really? Well, I wonder how our fellow citizen truck driver in the video here felt when after being pulled over (because he was brown), after presenting a legal driver license and social security card was hauled off to jail because he wasn't carrying his birth certificate on him. Doesn't sound very welcoming at all.

    Where are your papers, comrade?

    What next? A poll test for Hispanics?
