Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Things To Forget If You Are A Republican Contemplating Haiti

The Movement Conservative "think-tank" Heritage Foundation has a helpful suggestion concerning aid to Haiti:
The U.S. government response should be bold and decisive. It must mobilize U.S. civilian and military capabilities for short-term rescue and relief and long-term recovery and reform. President Obama should tap high-level, bipartisan leadership. Clearly former President Clinton, who was already named as the U.N. envoy on Haiti, is a logical choice. President Obama should also reach out to a senior Republican figure, perhaps former President George W. Bush, to lead the bipartisan effort for the Republicans.

No doubt the Killer Clown would do a heckuva job aiding Haiti. The title of the Heritage Foundation statement, flabbergasting enough, is "Things to Remember While Helping Haiti." In a surprise move, the statement also manages to spend more time demagoguing about Castro and Chavez than documenting the actual human catastrophe in Haiti. One wonders what grisly privatization schemes these Shock Doctrinaire conservatives have in mind when they speak of "bold" responses. The mind reels.

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