Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pick Sides

Republicans of the full-on fulminating "Movement Conservative" ascendancy* want the United States to be transformed into a continent-scaled hybrid of the worst of South Carolina and most vulgar of Dubai, a corporatist-militarist-christianist neo-confederate neo-feudalist concentration camp under their permanent control.

That's what gets described as "Real Americans" and "Values Voters" and "Free Enterprise."

Democrats, when we are being honest about it, want the United States to be transformed into a more equitable, more diverse, more dynamic European style social democracy where everybody is healthy, educated, and able to collaborate in real measure to the American dream that we will leave the world better than we found it.

That's what gets described as "Dirty Fucking Hippies," "Uppity Women and Uppity Negroes," and "Effete Elite Pinko Commie Faggot Aesthetes."

Two versions of where we have been, where we are, and where we should be going.

Pick sides. And then act like it.

* These folks, we must remember, neither represent the majority of the Republican Party historically, nor, one hopes, its whole present membership, nor, one can be sure should they have a chance to long survive as a viable national party, a significant measure of its future... I say this as a person of the left who wouldn't be a Republican even in its most reasonable moments, but who might have voted for one here and there without qualm.

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