Saturday, January 23, 2010

Obama Takes On the Republican SCOTUS Scumbags

Cue the right-wing "populists" insisting the SCOTUS scumbag decision (it was 5-4) is a triumph for freedom since, after all, only money is speech and only corportions are real people. And then cue the "teabagger left" insisting Obama's push-back against the SCOTUS scumbags is all just smoke and mirrors behind which he is stealthfully securing his ongoing seeeecret eeeevil corporatist agenda...

Nevertheless, the politics of this are right, the timing of this is right, the framing of this is right. This is all good.

We can only hope that Obama's recent pivot to anti-corporatist populism on the bankster fees, the financial consumer protection agency, the push-back on the SCOTUS scumbags -- together with the predictable reflexive anti-populist Republican response to these moves -- will actually become a narrative with which we can turn around the apparently scary mid-term prospects for Democrats grappling with catastrophic foreign and domestic Republican and Bush legacies that were not correctable (even if better handled than they were) in the time-span allotted by American attention-spans (prospects made worse by the flabbergasting ineptness and tone-deafness of the healthcare reform process given the structural constraints on reform that anybody who can spell "Republican Obstructionism" should have seen from miles away and planned for).

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