Sunday, November 15, 2009

Futurological Brickbats

Those who dream of making themselves gods through technology are lying to themselves not least because god is already a dream we made ourselves through the technology of lying.


  1. > Those who dream of making themselves gods through technology
    > are lying to themselves not least because god is already a
    > dream we made ourselves through the technology of lying.

    An Obama defense-policy analyst's take on Robot Gods:

    Speaking of the technology of lying, er, fiction,
    I read a new sci-fi book at Barnes & Noble this
    weekend: _Mariposa_, by Greg Bear

    Chapter 46, "El Paso, Texas"
    p. 253
    Joe Mason shook hands with Jane Rowland and Tom Cantor
    and offered them chairs in his small office. . .
    He was assistant field office director of Immigration
    and Customs Enforcement -- ICE. . .

    Just being around Tom made Jane nervous. His big,
    child eyes gave no hint of either his intellect or
    his influence. Tom was utterly essential to dozens of
    clandestine operations. He had carte blanche entrance
    to many agencies and yet never let on to anyone about
    his activities -- even if those activities crossed

    Secret in one office, more secret still in another.

    Not that he ever showed a hint of thinking that he
    could lord it over her. . . Ms. Jane Rowland --
    of the agency that had once split off from an agency
    that nobody officially acknowledged -- was definitely
    the boss. . . [T]hat made her even more nervous. . .

    In the restroom, Jane washed her hands. . . then joined
    Tom in the hall. . .

    "You're making Mason nervous," she said. "He's like
    a dog in a room with a quail -- and you're the quail."

    Tom shook his head. "Can't help it," he said. "I'm
    being twitched."

    "What's that mean?"

    "Ever since day before yesterday, somebody or something
    has been tracking everything I do. My work -- my secure
    networks. Cameras. Traffic lights. I keep thinking
    Gene Hackman is going to jump out and yell boo. . .
    It ain't you, right?"


    "Because I'm a pro, and you need me -- you wouldn't fuck
    with me or try to scare me. Could be anybody, then. . ."

  2. "Gene Hackman. That's good. What makes you think it's
    a he?"

    "Well, we ceded our constitutional rights to any number
    of federal agencies, including yours, back in the bad old
    days. So I could easily enough picture a bunch of young
    hackers lined up in a dark room, tickling joysticks
    and taking control of every security system in the world,
    at the 24/7, caffeine-strumming commands of, say,
    Laura Linney. They could aim satellites, take control of
    foreign CCTV, station millions of agents on every
    street corner, ready to pull out in black Suburbans
    or hop on Vespas . . . Cool. But that's not what's

    "How do you know?"

    Tom gave her a quizzical glance. "Because I'd help design
    and install anything like that. I'd be Laura Linney's
    main man."

    "Oh," Jane said.

    "I love severe." He winked, not at all salaciously. . .

    (I got the first movie allusion, but not the second. ;-> )

    Anyway, the book is an entertaining-enough read, more thriller
    than SF. It's got an Ayn Randian ubermensch-wannabe: Axel Price,
    CEO of the Talos Corporation, who already owns the state of
    Texas and is plotting to take over the rest of the US, starting
    with a neo-Confederacy co-opted via acts of stragetic
    terrorism. It's got a mysterious awakening AI, named
    Jones, created under the auspices of Talos but not under
    their control. And it's got some transhumans -- military and
    intelligence types who were subjected to an experimental drug
    to treat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and as a result
    are turning into brilliant psychopaths. The latter two elements
    are insufficiently exploited, but I suspect there'll be sequels.

    Lots of action at the climax -- ass-kicking and, er, decapitations.

    One of the Good Guys is a devout Muslim -- a scarily-efficient
    martial-arts expert who kills with precision while hating
    the necessity to do it, rather ironic in light of
    the recent events at Fort Hood. "The killing made him angrier
    and angrier, that he had to do such things because men were
    filled with arrogant greed, because some wished to rule with
    neither the wit nor the self-knowledge to see their inadequacies --
    and how many of their people would die."

    I got to spend dinner one day last week listening to Bill O'Reilly
    going on and on about how "nobody on the Left is willing
    to call Fort Hood what it is" (in his opinion) -- "the first terrorist
    act of Islamic Jihad against the US since 9/11."

  3. I'm not entirely grasping the connection here, but okay. I do think you need to stop listening to Fox Noise and Wingnut radio or you're going to get PTSD. Even those who see through the bs and monitor the stuff for shits and giggles seem eventually to take these marginal goons as representatives of a more prevailing insanity than is actually the case. These people are dangerous, but not dangerous in the way they want you to think they are dangerous. They are not the "Real Americans (TM)," for example, even if too many Americans are vulnerable to their zealous intolerant patriarhcal white racist market fundamentalist Christianist fundamentalist fear-mongering rhetoric.

  4. > I do think you need to stop listening to Fox Noise and
    > Wingnut radio. . .

    Well, wingnut radio I don't listen to, because I have control
    of the radio in my own car (the only place I ever listen to
    the radio).

    As for Fox Noise -- well, it seems to be the channel of choice on any
    TVs in public places I'm in (eateries, in other words).
    It's either that, or a game of some kind.

    Shits and giggles for me, but the people around me, if they're
    listening at all, are taking it seriously.

    And Bill O'Reilly, of course, takes **himself** oh-so-seriously.

  5. Start eating at different places before your brain breaks.

  6. > > And Bill O'Reilly, of course. . .
    > Start eating at different places before your brain breaks.

    There's hardly any danger of my being **convinced** of
    anything by Fox Noise.

    It **is** a source of wonderment for me to be continually reminded
    that the "conceptual metaphors" (as George Lakoff calls them)
    out of which my world-view is built are so utterly different
    from those of somebody who clearly has high morale, high
    status, and a loud voice, and who is clearly more in tune
    with the (admittedly working-class) clientele of the establishments
    I frequent.

    I suppose if I were eating in a place surrounded by folks
    with graduate degrees in the humanities or the social sciences,
    we'd all be watching Rachel Maddow or Keith Olbermann instead of
    Bill O'Reilly (unless these were all PhD's from Brigham
    Young University, or some similarly enlightened institution).

    I guess it is a tad depressing and alienating to find I'm so
    out-of-sync with so many of my fellow citizens, but least I'm
    not in any immediate danger -- I don't have to shout "Sieg heil!"
    through a mouthful of rice when Mr. Bill comes on the tube. But it
    doesn't change my political behavior, such as it is, to be
    regularly exposed to him. If anything, it keeps me healthily aware
    (to the extent I need reminding) that I'm different in important
    ways from a lot of other folks, and that I shouldn't make any
    naively optimistic assumptions about my acceptability to respectable


  7. Well, again, I don't see much danger of you being convinced by their nonsense, I just think that continual inundation leads you to the incorrect sense that, as you say, you are "so out-of-sync with so many of [your] fellow citizens." Strictly speaking, in a nation of hundreds of millions we are all of us always out-of-sync with so many countless throngs of people that we are little capable of grasping how congenially in sync we are with how many more unless we see to it that we connected to accurate accountings of these things. It isn't an accident that Obama won the Presidency and that his job approval numbers remain enormously strong while Republican Party ID is at historical lows. One can whomp up a narrative hairball of lies and fudges to sell contrary variations of reality, but the facts remain as they are (and strategic skirmishing among *professional* career activists in both parties tell a story that punches right through the Fox Noise tough-talking denialist hyperventilations). Anyway, I do think one feels more sane watching Rachel Maddow than Glenn Beck certainly, though you might find as I do the pampered class-privilege of complacent humanities scholars less a comfort than one would hope. I think it is the sanity of my partner and the intelligence of my students that fuels such optimism as I have more than anything else, that and the facts (some pomo intellectual *I* am).

  8. > . . .George Lakoff. . .

    Speaking of whom:

    "[M]any progressives were brought up with the old 17th Century
    rationalist view of reason that says that, if you just tell
    people the facts, they will reason to the right conclusion -- since
    reason is universal. We know from recent elections that this
    is just false. 'Old-fashioned ... universal disembodied reason'
    [quoting the Steven Pinker review Lakoff is replying to]
    also claims that everyone reasons the same way, that differences
    in world-view don't matter. But anybody tuning in to contemporary
    talk shows will notice that not everybody reasons the same way
    and that world-view does matter."

    A juicy bit of controversy:

    "Pinker vs. Lakoff"

  9. Anonymous3:19 AM

    I don't want to be a 'god', whatever that means, through modern technology or otherwise.

    But becoming Mystique, miawwwrrr, now there is another option. Do I need to fall in a vat of radioactive waste or what?
