Monday, November 16, 2009

Concerning Republican Bedwetting About Accused Terrorists on Trial

Those who are arguing that it is irresponsible (or just plain skeeeeeery) to jail and hold trials for the accused 9/11 plotters in NYC because it exposes the already exposed City to attack cannot really believe that such an always-already symbolically redolent target would be ratcheted up just enough by becoming the setting of such a trial that would-be terrorists who are now refraining from attacking it would suddenly be induced to do so. Like those who are given to loudly losing their minds in public places at the prospect of sending convicted terrorists to prison facilities in the United States that already house criminals quite as horrible and violent and dangerous as terrorists, these arguments simply make no sense at all on their face.

Either: to be generous, these public freakouts represent some kind of symptomatic upwelling of irrational panic arising out of the trauma of the attacks -- not to mention, the usual bedwetting one expects from loudmouthed would-be he-men and bully types who throng the ranks of Movement Republicanism. In that case, it would probably be kinder by far, not to mention more sensible, to find these people some sort of counseling rather than nudging them incessantly to microphones to document their lamentable breakdowns on our tee vees.

Or: to opt not for generosity but instead for realism, since these are mostly Republicans saying these idiotic things after all, these public freakouts prophetically warning of blood-soaked streets and rampages of violence in Anytown, USA are all too likely offered up in the spirit of pre-emptive media-narrative investments to better position themselves to opportunistically benefit from any catastrophes that might happen to take place (as the Fort Hood tragedy has been disgustingly milked by many right wing sensationalists to suggest that America must relinquish its freedom if it loves its freedom and so on blah blah blah) however tangentially connected to the concerns actually serious people are weighing in the present. You know, the usual brainless fearmongering disasterbatory authoritarian bullshit.

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