Thursday, October 22, 2009

Obama Sapping Precious Republican Bodily Fluids

Digby helpfully connects the dots available in a recent study that may have eluded hitherto the slower-witted passengers on the Teabag Express, revealing for all with eyes to see Obama's secret plan to sap Republican precious bodily fluids prefatory to interning them in Bachmanniacal re-education camps or just, you know, killing them:
Republican men nationwide may have experienced a drop in testosterone levels the night Barack Obama was elected president, according to the results of a small study that found another link between testosterone and men's moods.

By taking multiple saliva samples from 183 young men and women on election night, researchers found that the testosterone levels of men who voted for John McCain or Robert Barr dropped sharply 40 minutes after Obama was announced the winner... Low testosterone levels in men are linked to increased risk of premature death..

"First," as Digby explains so patiently that even the Producers of the Beck show can probably follow, "they lower their testosterone so they don't feel like procreating, then they kill them. It's all there. What else do we need to know?"

Do please note, by the way, that the eeevil Obama exposed by this low-t Republican exterminism plan would not be the same being as the stealth eeevil corporatist Obama with the secret plan to kill the public option by introducing it, owning it, and interminably supporting it that some left-blogospheroids are presently fulminating about so energetically.

To grasp the complex relations of eeevil stealthcorporatemilitarist Obama to eeevil islamofasocialistBlackPower Obama one must first watch the Star Trek episode "Mirror, Mirror." Also, apparently, it is helpful to master an obscure discipline known as nth-dimensional chess. I mention the latter only because it seems that any time I attribute even the most elementary foresight or political gamesmanship to members of the Obama Administration I'm accused of assuming they're playing it.

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