Thursday, June 11, 2009

Fifty Days to Meltdown

California's government risks a financial "meltdown" within 50 days in light of its weakening May revenues unless Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and lawmakers quickly plug a $24.3 billion budget gap, the state's controller said on Wednesday….California's state government is speeding toward a financial disaster unless officials act urgently to balance its books.

"Balance its books" will almost surely mean "dismantle civilization" and pray that the predator gods of spontaneous order will miraculously save the day somehow as they never once have done in all history however fervently the market fundamentalists pray and prey while refusing to pay.

I predict that Governator "Shut It Down" Schwarzenegger and the Movement Conservatives who have held this State hostage to their anti-tax anti-government zealotry via the State's stupid Constitutional 2/3rds provision will succeed in framing and blaming "profligate" "corrupt" Democrats for the mess and will use the resulting devastation as an opportunity to rewrite California ever more in the image of Somalia or some comparable Randroidal libertopia. The results will, in a word, suck.

Of course, to the extent that Democrats seem relentlessly unwilling or unable ever to actually explain what is facile and false in the anti-tax anti-government rhetoric that has transformed California into a failed State or to offer up readily available easily explainable contrary rhetoric about the indispensability of progressive taxation and public investment to build and maintain legitimate consensual equitable diverse actually functional democratic governance, then it is, after all, quite right to apportion them a hefty dose of blame for this idiotic unnecessary human-engineered catastrophe. Of course, the answer is more and better Democrats, but we are most likely to get more and worse Republicans instead, to the ruin of all.

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