Thursday, April 16, 2009

High Speed Rail Corridors in the Running for Funding Announced Today by the Obama Administration


  1. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Wow! This is one those of "You see! Just give the guy some time and he will deliver!" moments. :)

    Four More Years! Four More Years!

  2. Wow that's awesome.

    I can't wait to see people taking trains to their teabagging parties. Especially since they'll probably also be employed by these railroads.

  3. I'm beginning to think some of this is to help facilitate the rapid evacuation of the sane in the event of neo-feudalist secession.

  4. JM Inc.12:37 AM

    God damn, I hope Obama gets in for a second term! If not, all this wonderful nation-building will fall apart, as it did when they tore the solar panels off the White House. And if so, then how will we ship the Real Americans™ off to our socialist detainment centres and sexuality reorientation spas?

  5. Dude, this so needs to get built. Major YAY!
