Monday, March 23, 2009

Four More Years

When Democrats can't tell the difference between Obama and Bush that is really good news for Democrats. The achievement of Democratic goals like facilitating collective bargaining, providing more and better healthcare, and shifting to a renewable economy is much more possible when Democrats throw up their hands and ventriloquize Republican talking points.


  1. Anonymous10:55 AM

    When Treasury secretary Tim Geithner persuads President Obama to recycle some of the Bush administration policies, specifically those of Henry Paulson, can you please explain to us what the difference is?

  2. The difference between the forest and the trees.

  3. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Yeah, this 'bailout' plan sucks but I'll take that over an unprovoked war styled to try to grab more oil and live out some Hollywood fantasy of the last days of WWII.

    Also: abortion gag rules, bulldozing national parks, oil rigs lining the coasts, being the only non-beheading gays nation to refuse to sign on to UN gay rights declarations, and so on.

  4. Anonymous12:45 PM

    As long as they're spinelessly capitulating to THIS president, now, there will be improvements.

  5. > [T]his 'bailout' plan sucks but I'll take that over an
    > unprovoked war styled to try to grab more oil and live out
    > some Hollywood fantasy of the last days of WWII.
    > Also: abortion gag rules, bulldozing national parks, oil rigs
    > lining the coasts, being the only non-beheading gays nation
    > to refuse to sign on to UN gay rights declarations, and so on.

    Yeah, the "culture wars" get my balloons inflated, too.

    Economics is so boring!

