Saturday, February 07, 2009

Zombie Wisdom from the Washington Press Corpse

Michael Phelps must apologize for doing what half of the American public also has harmlessly done with no need for apologies.


  1. I was sitting in a waiting room at the hospital yesterday listening to some self-righteous moron of a woman droning to her husband about how "everyone at the party said he [Phelps] knew exactly what to do with it. I wouldn't even know what to do with it. It's appalling."

    Sometimes it's good to be around idiots because it keeps my hope for the world from growing too large. Never get too confident in the American public.

  2. The most disgusting thing about the Gold Medal Bong affair
    is how Mr. Phelps (your assignment, Mr. Phelps, should
    you choose to accept it. . .) feels compelled to abase
    himself publicly for fear of losing his lucrative
    advertising gigs. Whip me! Beat me! Make me eat
    soggy cereal! But **please** don't cancel my ad contracts.

    Well, I don't know what I'd do in his flippers. (One
    of the awful things about being a marketable celebrity
    must be how beholden you feel toward all the people
    who helped get you there, and how you feel obligated
    not to screw up **their** investments. Yuck.)

    On your mark red ribbon runner
    The caressing rev of motors
    Finely tuned like fancy women
    In thirties evening gowns
    Up the charts
    Off to the airport
    Your name's in the news
    Everything's first class
    The lights go down
    And it's just you up there
    Getting them to feel like that

    Remember the days when you used to sit
    And make up your tunes for love
    And pour your simple sorrow
    To the soundhole and your knee
    And now you're seen
    On giant screens
    And at parties for the press
    And for people who have slices of you
    From the company
    They toss around your latest golden egg
    Speculation well who's to know
    If the next one in the nest
    Will glitter for them so. . .

    Oh the power and the glory
    Just when you're getting a taste for worship
    They start bringing out the hammers
    And the boards
    And the nails

    I heard it in the wind last night
    It sounded like applause
    Chilly now
    End of summer
    No more shiny hot nights
    It was just the arbutus rustling
    And the bumping of the logs
    And the moon swept down black water
    Like an empty spotlight

    -- Joni Mitchell, "For The Roses"
