Friday, January 30, 2009

Would You Hit It?


  1. > Would You Hit It?

    Sssssssss. . .

  2. That guy lives in the Star Trek Experience in Vegas. I totally tried to hit it once. There was a gallon of vodka involved, so I don't know if it counts.

  3. Everything counts in large amounts. Why didn't I start this idiotic "Would You Hit It?" feature ages ago? The things one finds out...

  4. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I tried to hit it with a Klingon at the Star Trek Experience. He seemed to want a three-way with me and my friend. Not the expected Klingon behavior but there you go.

    We were both so blitzed on some drink I think they called a "Warp Core Breach" and were the only customers in the bar so we had the full attention of a whole host of aliens.

    The Bajoran woman on too many pep pills or speed was quite fun too. Sadly no Gorns at that time though.

  5. > We were both so blitzed on some drink I think they called a "Warp Core Breach". . .

    No, no. A "warp core breach" is where you have to abandon the ship.
    That's no fun! The drink is "warp core **bleach**".
