Saturday, January 17, 2009

Would You Hit It?


  1. Ew. Way too Flavor of Love 2491 for me, also way too child touchy.

  2. Anonymous1:44 PM

    What about android Gigolo Joe (played by Jude Law) from A.I.?

  3. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Who knew Yosemite Sam had a bedroom voice?

  4. No, but when I was 12 I had a crush on Tina
    (you know, Platinum from the DC "Metal Men"

  5. My gut reaction was "eww... it's a kid!" but now that I've thought about that reaction, I'm going to have to discuss it with my therapist. I mean, my AI class. We spend a lot of time talking about the difference between the ontology of robotics and our *judgments* of that ontology.

  6. I'm going to have to discuss it with my therapist. I mean, my AI class.

    I know just what you mean...

  7. > > I'm going to have to discuss it with my therapist.
    > > I mean, my AI class.
    > I know just what you mean...


    You know, I read someplace [*] that Ayn Rand's entire literary
    career was a self-administered course of psychotherapy --
    exorcizing her own demons via Howard Rourke and John Galt
    and Dagny Taggart and Dominique Françon.

    Then again, I guess **life** is a course of psychotherapy,
    ain't it, whether "self-administered" or shoved down the

    [*] Must've been something like this one:

    "Rand obviously had something very wrong with her, which she
    was trying to fix through her writing. The psychiatrist Richard Restak,
    in his book, The Self Seekers, knew what the problem was:
    'Homicidal rage is the ultimate measure resorted to in an
    effort to repair the damaged sense of self.' Yikes, that's the
    plot of Atlas! All that hate, rage and envy were Rand's own
    feelings she projected onto all her 'looters.' She took to heart
    the first rule of writing: 'write about what you know.' She was
    engaging in self-therapy through writing. Only it didn't work
    (the Objectivist psychologist Alan Blumenthal called Objectivism
    a system of psychotherapy for Rand)."
