Thursday, January 15, 2009

Would You Hit It?


  1. I hate guys who stare all the time during sex, don't you? His voice is curiously sexy, though. Still, no, I would not hit it. Too stalky.

  2. > Would You Hit It?

    Oh yeah, baby!

    I think HAL is much sexier than either Keir Dullea
    ("Keir Dullea, gone tomorrow", quipped Noël Coward)
    or Gary Lockwood.

  3. "Keir Dullea, gone tomorrow" has always been right up there with "Don't quibble, Sybil," among my favorite all-time Cowardism.

    Creepy stare notwithstanding, I share your preference for HAL over Dullea. Dullea looks like the type who would weep after he comes and say "I'm sorry, Mama!" (Bush strikes me as someone in that same mode -- how's that for the ick factor?)

    Also, come to think of it, HAL might be able to manage some true feats manipulating those remote robotic pods just right...

  4. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Hmmm, although HAL was one of my first true sf loves, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to say no. It's too much the type to flip over and smother you in your sleep.

  5. I love Amor Mundi's new feature, for the record.

    I need more information on HOW one would hit it before I can answer this. There are some serious... technicalities... that I'm struggling with.

    Seems a bit dispassionate to me, though.

  6. I need more information on HOW one would hit it before I can answer this.

    Do the words "open the pod bay door, HAL" mean NOTHING to you?

  7. Anonymous2:59 AM

    I'm sorry Dale, I'm afraid I can't do that. This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.
