Thursday, January 08, 2009

Say Good-Bye, John

Upgraded from the Moot:
[Y]our alienation and anxiety is that you and Eric are not really on equal footing to a male-female couple, you sublimate the fact that you don't have the same capabilities as you would have if you were with a woman. That causes anxiety, even anger. You claim to be equal but you know you're not.

Anti-choice bioconservative and antigay bigot John Howard, ladies and gentlemen.


  1. My guess is that John's actually describing in inverse the overall abyssmal quality of his own orgasms. He knows he doesn't really get off, and it makes him anxious and angry with those who do...

  2. Obviously it's because you're obsessed with procreation, Dale.

    And that upsets you.

    Oh wait, sorry. That's him.

  3. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I thought that kind of self-evident case study only existed in psychology textbooks. Or is it John being selflessly pedagogical?

  4. Robin wrote:

    > Obviously it's because you're obsessed with procreation. . .

    Or he's obsessed with the _Left Behind_ books.

    Great way to waste an hour at Barnes & Noble, whether or not
    you're a Christian fundamentalist.

    As you may recall, "Nicolae Carpathia" (sounds kind of like
    an alias of Count Dracula, don't it?), the uber-Bad Guy of the series,
    turns out to have been the genetically-engineered offspring
    of two gay men. Very appropriate!

    (He's also the Antichrist, of course. And, on the earthly plane,
    Secretary General of the UN.)

  5. Anonymous5:05 PM

    About Left Behind, I saw the movies and confirm they're bonkers and very fun (in a 'how do you mean let's pray?' kind of way). The "gay genetic-engineering" part did not make the cut, though. Thanks for the info, Jim!

    (Don't worry, the movie versions' apparent lack of homophobia is more than balanced by their balls-out antisemitism.)
