Monday, January 12, 2009

It's Not Just Hate, But Church and State

No doubt you've heard already that Obama has added a conspicuously gay Bishop to the Inauguration. For this big loud fag -- I mean yours truly -- I guess this makes an Inauguration for which the Invocation is still to be delivered by an anti-gay anti-choice lying rightwing bigot marginally better. For this atheist (something I figured out before I got the buttfucking business sorted, as it happens), it also makes an Inauguration that was already indulging a surfeit of religious leaders in a secular multicultural nation founded on a separation of Church and State marginally worse.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey there, Kyle, how are things in your neck of the woods theses days?

  3. Hey, Dale! Things are pretty darn rosy now that I'm done with those monstrous graduate applications; we'll let the Fates have their say now...I am excited to spend most of 2009 reading my ass off but I am also feeling that old itch to commit time and energy to Causes and Effects Greater Than Myself, so we shall see!

    How's the conversation in Dwinelle and elsewhere for ya? My best to you.
