Thursday, December 18, 2008

Still in the Tank for Obama

Don't get me wrong -- I'm still completely pleased and proud to have voted for Obama and am still suffused with hope. I'm not a one issue guy and queerbashing is palpably in eclipse despite the best efforts of panicky organized bigots who grasp that losing the Southern Strategy and Gay Panic in one fell swoop pretty much means America is going to turn into a full-on secular multiculture, essentially California writ large, well before our lives are done, probably by the close of the Obama Administration itself. Obama is going to get America on a renewable energy footing, he's going to extend healthcare to millions and millions while creating the conditions under which universal single-payer healthcare will finally be possible, he's going to facilitate labor organizing for the first time in generations. We'll see about the war, we'll see about militarism more generally, we'll see about corporate-militarist budgetary priorities, we'll see about steeply progressive taxation and basic income provision: I suspect I'll be back in the streets soon enough. But it would be foolish not to understand the transformative scope of the change Obama represents and is facilitating, especially so long as we ourselves push and push and push him to democratize and render ever more equitable every sphere of public life, peer to peer.

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