Monday, December 29, 2008

Cackles From the Balcony: Every Egg-N-Sperm Is Sacred Edition, Now With Warp Drive!

Eric points out that bioconservative John Howard's claim that we can resolve the issues actually under contest in current debates about gay marriage by proposing a pre-emptive ban on non-existing samesex conception techniques is rather like claiming we can resolve the issues under contest in current debates about the environmental impact of extractive petrochemical industry by proposing a pre-emptive ban on warp drive engines because of that episode in ST:NG where it showed that, like, warp drive damages the space-time continuum and stuff.

Shorter Eric on John Howard: Does he have, you know, problems?


  1. > ...because of that episode in ST:NG where it showed that,
    > like, warp drive damages the space-time continuum and stuff...

    Yeah, galactic speed limit: Warp 5. All because of a bunch
    of black-hole huggers. Transwarp goes the way of the SST.
    I mean, how un-Extropic can you get?

  2. Who is Eric and what grade is he in?

  3. Eric is my partner of seven years, and I daresay he would be amused to hear that he fails to pass muster according to your exacting intellectual standards.

    Cackles from the Balcony is a recurring post on Amor Mundi in which I occasionally recount off the cuff things Eric has said to me from across the room on topics of ongoing discussion hereabouts that caused me to chuckle. We have often compared ourselves to the curmudgeonly balcony-bound couple Waldorf and Statler of the Muppet Show. They, too, seem to be having a very good time of it.

  4. Anonymous1:24 AM

    It is a well known fact that I am rubber and you John, are glue.

    I think we all know what that means.

  5. > I think we all know what that means.

    Um, that you're cootie-proof?

  6. Surely I'm not the only one who wants to see a regular Eric blog. Or perhaps guest-blogger status now and again? Oh hell, maybe I just need to bring you both out for drinks.
