Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Baby Jeebus and His Orc Armies

[via Calitics]

Pretend to be surprised:
[O]ne of the biggest financial supporters of the Yes on 8 campaign is Elsa Prince Broekhuizen, who has pumped $450,000 into the campaign. Broekhuizen is the mother of Blackwater founder and owner Erik Prince and Bush Pioneer Betsy DeVos.

Baby Jeebus sure inspires him some fucked up love in the shriveled hearted broken brained right-wingers of his Orc Armies, don't he just, tho'?

Gathering up armies of murderers for money, funneling mountains of cash into deceptive fear-mongering propaganda to fool decent everyday people into writing bigotry into the California Constitution. Can't you just feel that sweet Baby Jeebus kindness, mercy, and love?

Everybody knows it makes Baby Jeebus cry if America isn't bombing the innocent children of brown people who live over the resources we want! Everybody knows it makes Baby Jeebus cry if loving same sex couples aren't being stigmatized, humiliated, and harmed enough!

We've heard a lot this campaign season about the energy and hope inspired by the Obama campaign. Millions of young people or long complacent older voters have been reactivated by the promise of a return to law and legitimacy, a repudiation of torture, illegal detentions, show trials, armies on the streets, warrantless wiretapping of citizens, security theatrics and heavy-handed panic-mongering, endless drumbeats for war after war after war, vilifying the patriotic protestors who drive our nation forward into freedom, trammeling the dissent that substantiates the consent of the governed, calling half the nation or more unreal Americans, un-American, traitors. Millions have been mobilized by the promise of a return to sanity in America, a rebuilding of a nation that builds things, a return to sensible regulation, oversight, progressive taxation, a secure safety net, universal healthcare, public investment in education, infrastructure, renewable energy, and the welfare of all our citizens, a repudiation of predatory lending, welfare for the rich, looting via privatization, pyramid schemes, dubious financial instruments, cronyism, fraud, and hype, all sold with vapid fantasies of spontaneous order and trickle-down elitism.

But it's wrong to think all the energy and inspiration is on Obama's side. It may be true that Obama attracts hundreds of thousands while grumpy old piratical McCain and that squawking parrot on his shoulder attract lynchmobs hundreds strong (still scary, of course, whatever the disproportionateness, given the lynch-mobbiness), there are still right-wing causes that generate real numbers and mobilize real passionate intensities. Have a look at the ecstatic transportation on the faces of the genocidal Orc armies of loving Baby Jeebus, countless thousands strong, as they contemplate the harm and heartbreak they can inflict together this election season (Yes, We Can! Yay, Hate!) to their lesbian and gay neighbors, co-workers, family members, and fellow citizens. What a true abiding inspiration they are!

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