Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Can Somebody Explain This to Me?

Upgraded from the Moot:

I've never quite understood why an asshole's disregard for the negative effects of his conduct on others or over the longer term is described so often as "optimism" by so many people.

1 comment:

  1. Y'know, I came across some interesting assertions in
    the on-line literature about psychopathy. The personality psychologists'
    "Five Factor" personality metric has scales that are supposed
    to be associated with "negative emotionality" (or "negative affectivity":
    neuroticism, introversion, timidity, shyness) and "positive emotionality"
    (or "positive affectivity": extraversion, boldness, leadership,
    willingness to take risks and try new things). These are
    orthogonal scales (though I believe they're supposed to
    be at least weakly negatively correlated) --
    high(+) -- low(-) is the "self-actualizing" personality --
    you know, the ideal Extropian ;-> ; whereas
    low(+) -- high(-) is the quintessential whiner
    and loser -- gas-chamber fodder, according
    to some folks.

    Thing is, push it just a little too far: high(+) -- nonexistent(-)
    (high risk-taking, full of gusto, **and** utterly remorseless,
    guilt-and-shame-free, nerves of steel "Truman Goff could
    ignore pain the way some people ignore
    Christmas." and you've got the profile of a
    psychopath. ;->

    Now, a lot of Extropian types are really looking forward
    to the day when they can upload and "optimize" their personalities
    (more effectively than just by popping vitamins and
    antidepressants, or by reading self-help books).
    The obvious thing to do (for you, for me, for
    Bobby McGee) is (in addition to ramping up the
    IQ as far as it can go -- that goes without
    saying ;-> ) to grab the "positive emotionality"
    knob and twist it way up high, and grab the
    "negative emotionality" knob and twist it all
    the way down. Voila -- superintelligent

    This suggests a much weaker social fabric than
    we evolved humans have grown accustomed to -- the
    personality-twiddling, if it's permitted, may
    have a radically centrifugal effect. Come to think,
    Hans Moravec acknowledged as much in the '99
    _Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind_ is his
    portrayal of the "exes" (ex-humans) leaving the
    earth and shooting off into deep space.

    It also suggests that any social coalitions will
    be emotionless, hyper-rational, with probable
    outcomes and cost-benefit ratios and monitoring for
    cheating explicitly programmed, and with alliances
    that can be broken and re-forged in a millisecond.
    Sort of like a _Dune_ novel, or an episode of
    _Survivor_. My God, maybe the libertarians are
    right! :-0 And maybe all those science-fiction
    cliches are right, too. We can all sing along with
    Tina Turner: "what's love got to do with it?" ;->

    "They seemed to be like Spock or Data on Star Trek,"
    [Robert D.] Hare explains, "What I thought was most
    interesting was that for the first time ever, as
    far as I know, we found that there was no activation
    of the appropriate areas for emotional arousal,
    but there was over-activation in other parts of
    the brain, including parts of the brain that are
    ordinarily devoted to language. Those parts were
    active, as if they were saying, 'Hey, isn't that
    interesting.' So they seem to be analyzing emotional
    material in terms of its linguistic or dictionary

    There's an on-line version of the Five-Factor test
    (the IPIP-NEO) at
    You too can find out if you're brave enough
    for the new world! I took this one several years ago
    (yes, I definitely need to reverse those two
    knobs ;-> ).
