Monday, January 21, 2008

Spring Arrives

And a man's thoughts turn to… another term of teaching that is beginning today, and with it a return to something like the franticness that overtook me in the last weeks of the last term as I scramble now to get my readers and syllabi together, overcome the insomnia and stagefright that always afflict me when new courses get underway, get comfortable with over a hundred brand new students, and so on. Fortunately, beginning of term demands are rarely as intense for me as end of term demands tend to be with all the grading deadlines and panicky students begging for passing grades for classes they rarely attended and so on, and I get back into the swing of things pretty quickly. This term I'm teaching slightly refurbished versions of courses I've taught before, a lecture at Berkeley on postmarxist aesthetics and politics and a quick survey of contemporary critical theory at the San Francisco Art Institute. I'm also shepherding a cohort of grad students through the final months of their master's theses, as well as a handful of undergrads through their honor's theses, which will probably be the most labor intensive work I end up doing this term. If posting frequency is down a bit for a little while you'll know the reason why.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora from New Zealand,Dale

    I just found your blogsite through my Google Alerts for Critical Theory and Critical Pedagogy. I think that you may enjoy my own website – which you are free to use as a resource. I am a retired academic with more than 40 years teaching Architecture at Universities on three continents (the UK, U. C. Berkeley and U. of Auckland, New Zealand). I have a PhD in Architecture – specialising in the interface between design education and critical theory/critical pedagogy – but my writings cover a whole range of fields. I have a distinguished teaching Award from the University of Auckland (where I taught for 20 years), and for the last five years served as Director of Academic Programme Development at Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi, (one of three Maori Universities) in New Zealand where I also taught Critical Education Theory and Cultural Studies. This gave me a unique perspective on issues of Colonisation, Education and Cultural Pluralism and Critical Pedagogy. I retired a year ago and have set up the website as an educational resource. I am writing because I thought you might find my own website useful. It covers issues such as:

    Critical Theory
    Critical Theorists
    Critical Practice (Praxis)
    Critical Pedagogy
    Critical Education Theory
    Indigenous Studies
    Critical Psychology
    Cultural Studies
    Critical Aesthetics
    Academic Programme Development
    Sustainable Design
    Critical Design etc. etc.

    The website at: contains more than 60 (absolutely free) downloadable and fully illustrated PDFs on all of these topics and more offered to students from the primer level, up to PhD. It also has a set of extensive bibliographies and related web links in all of these areas.

    I would be very grateful if you would have a look at the website and perhaps bring it to the attention of your friends and colleagues for them to use as a resource.

    There is no catch!

    It’s just that I believe the world is going to hell at an unimaginable rate and I want to do something to help to turn it around – for my five children and my grandchildren All that I ask in return, is that you and they let me know what you think about the website and cite me for any material that may be downloaded and/or used.

    I would also appreciate a reciprocal link to my site from your own so that others may come to know about it and use it.

    Many thanks

    Dr. Tony Ward Dip.Arch. (Birm)
    Academic Programme, Tertiary Education and Sustainable Design Consultant

    (Ph) (07) 307 2245
    (m) 027 22 66 563
