Thursday, January 03, 2008

Romney Reassures the Gays

[via ThinkProgress] According to adviser Jim Talent, Mitt Romney "wants people to know he values gay people as people, okay? But he doesn't want the militant gays to be able to change the cultural institutions of the country."

What are the "militant" gays supposed to be armed with anyway? Hot glue guns?

Thanks for the reassurance, though, on the whole do gays actually rate as persons front. Gosh, you mean like actual really and for true human persons? Very fashion forward, Mittster. Very bleeding edgster.

1 comment:

  1. What are the "militant" gays supposed to be armed with anyway? Hot glue guns?

    *snort* Showed this quote to some friends, and the responses were:

    "No, pink AK-47s!" and,

    " glue can be like napalm!"
