Friday, November 02, 2007

Dead Weight Dem DiFi Continues to Inspire All Californians With Her High Standards

[via Yahoo!News]
In announcing her support for Mukasey, Feinstein, D-Calif., said "first and foremost, Michael Mukasey is not Alberto Gonzales."

Sure, Michael Mukasey can't admit that partial drowning interrogation techniques are torture, but he isn't literally the same person as Alberto Gonzales, another Killer Clown who couldn't admit that partial drowning interrogation techniques are torture. Unfrackingbelievable. At least we can be fairly sure that this is Dead Weight Dem DiFi's last term in office.


  1. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Isn't that what being a Dummycrat is all about though Dale? Being able to stride forth and boldly say "I am not Bush or even Cheney though on alternate Tuesdays I may be Rudy Guiliani for a few minutes". Democrats - the not Republicans.

  2. I would distinguish the Dead Weight Dems of the K-Street/DLC corporatist wing and the "Reagan Democrat" era from the Progressive Caucus which is fighting both Republican neoconservatives and neoliberals and Democratic neoliberals at once. Although my disgust at the endless capitulations of Democrats who were swept into power in a Change Election many of them (so-called Blue Dogs most conspicuously) have eagerly betrayed at the first opportunity knows no bounds, I also know that an overgeneralization that tars the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party with the same brush ultimately plays into the narrative of universal cynicism and anti-government pseudo-populism that unleashes the corporate-militarists to do their worst in a world that has ample resources to stop them if only we organize to do so.

    More and better Democrats, reward good behavior, participate to the extent that you can, and expose the crooks and liars where you find them. No more anti-political defeatism, no more blanket cynicism, no more self-indulgent paralysis.

    It is especially because not all Dems suck that it is so egregious that DiFi sucks so badly.
