Monday, October 22, 2007

Zombie Trojan Elephant Not Dead Yet?

[via Calitics] Keep your eyes open, the scoundrels may be at it again:
[T]he dirty trick initiative [to split Dem-friendly California's electoral votes -- and only California's electoral votes of all the States in the Union, ya'know, fer Democracy! -- and so skew the national election to stealth yet another unpopular bloodthirsty crony capitalist idiot thug Republican into the White House so that our long National Nightmare can continue on] appears to have some new life. It is unclear quite how feasible it is for them to gather enough signatures to get it on the ballot, or if they really have the money to give it a shot. The bottom line is that there are paid signature gatherers out there trying to get names… Dave Gilliard, a Republican consultant in Sacramento who was involved in shepherding the recall petition against Gray Davis to the ballot, is reportedly involved… The deadline for qualifying the initiative for the June 2008 ballot (so that it could take effect before next year's presidential election) is Nov. 13, although such deadlines can be pushed…. Bottom line is that we should know within days if they actually have real money. Stay tuned.

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