Wednesday, August 29, 2007

MundiMuster! John Edwards on the Trojan Elephant

My favorite candidate for the Democratic Nomination, John Edwards, has set up a petition to oppose the recent Republican dirty-tricks ballot initiative that would selectively dismantle the winner-take-all system in California (but nowhere else) to benefit only Republicans and therefore steal yet another Election. Progressives have, of course, long criticized and struggled to reform this system in an effort to actually better democratize Presidential politics, but just not in the oafish ugly selectively partisan way of the dirty-tricksters.

To sign or find out more about the petition, go here.
There's a partisan power grab going on in California-and we need your help today to stop it.

Republican lawyers and wealthy insiders, working behind the scenes, are trying to rig the entire national election system in favor of their presidential candidate by changing California election laws.

Under their cynical scheme, California's Electoral College votes will be divvied up to the winner of each Congressional district, rather than following the "winner-take-all" system that is the standard in 48 states, including Republican strongholds like Texas and Utah.

Our political process badly needs reform, including public funding of campaigns, greater voter participation and less lobbyist influence in Washington. But we don't need dirty tricks by Republicans desperate to gain and maintain the status quo.

John Edwards is asking you to join us in standing up for political fairness-and to put an end to this blatant attempt to manipulate the result of the 2008 presidential election. Join thousands of other concerned Californians in signing the petition opposing this ballot initiative.


Help us send a message to these political operatives that their Karl Rove tactics will not work. We, the people, will not allow you to get away with this naked partisan power grab.

Please sign the petition-and encourage your family and friends to sign as well. There's power in numbers and, together, we can end the attempt by these special interests to put yet another of their own in the White House next year.


Thank you for your support.

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